War Robots Wiki

There are a few cancelled bots. -the bastion -the sentry -the robespierre -the roboduck The bastion was a heavy robot that possessed two heavy weapons, it was replaced by the raijin when it came out, The sentry was the old Fujin, the fujin now has the ability Sentry mode, just as the Raijin has Bastion mode. Very little is known about the sentry. The robespierrewas a robot with one light, two medium, and one heavy hardpoints. No one knows for sure, but some people think it was a heavy Golem, it looked very much like it The roboduck, well, no one knows if Pixonic were just joking or being serious about this one. It had no weapons and was very big, yellow, duck-shaped, and slow. It had tonnes and tonnes of health and was made to just sit on beacons.

Robespierre WWR

The Robespierre
